Some of them
relax us, some of them entertain us…and some of them just let a mark , they have a big impact many
days after we finish reading it.
One of this kind
of books is Change your thinking, change your life, Bryan Tracy. It remind us some basic principles that we
seem to forget sometimes...we
are what we think. Focusing all the time on our
dreams and and practicing a positive thinking we can accomplish everything we want.
Everybody wants to be happy, that’s the ultimate
wish...that’s why we want to have a better job, a nicer
house, more money, more friends etc...because we think that having all this we
we’ll be much happier.
Someone said
that the happines of our lives depends on the quality of our thoughts, and
he was so right. It’s up to us how we choose to live our lives, what are our
values and what we stand for.
Think wise!
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